To remedy my irritation with not having a car, I became the official owner of a shiny new European-style blue bicycle (to be consistent with my current blue obsession). I've purchased every accessory possible to include a bell, matching helmet and black wire front basket.
I take her outside to prep her for photos (yes, the bike is a 'she'). As I'm making all of the final adjustments, I have an overwhelming feeling of love for my new transportation. This blue bicycle is a symbol of FREEDOM as I can now jet around the base in record time. PLUS, on my next day off I can ride into the nearest city and fill the basket with flowers and a baguette. Just like the movies! I feel so European chic and savvy.
Out of love and respect, I decide to name her Fifi (pronounced Fee-Fee). Ms. Fifi and I are going to explore and shop. Watch out Germany, I have a new friend bicycle. I put on my helmet and get ready for the inaugural ride. I'm so excited and I can barely stand it.
I begin to pedal, and the pedals spin furiously yet the bike doesn't move forward. Huh. OK - it must be set in the lowest gear, no biggie.
I pedal again, trying to shift gears. This time I nearly fall over. Wth?
Looking down I see the stupid chain has come off, and thanks to my adorable European cover I can't put it back on. SUCK. I wheel the bike back inside and con the young flower/garden cashier-guy to put it back on for me. After many "shysa's" which was easy to translate into "sh*t", he got it back on.
OK, lets try this again. I start to pedal and the basket is throwing the weight off so it take a bit of adjusting.
After a few minutes I notice that cars driving by are STARING. Not the 'You're on a bike so you must have gotten a DUI" kind of American stare. NO......this was the 'Hey, look at the NERD on her dumb bike", kind of stare.
So now Fifi is in my room and looking ridicouslously new. I will take her to work tomorrow and see what everyone says. I've already been teased for looking too nice, so I'm sure Fifi will bring me puh-lenty of unwanted attention.
OH and one will know I've named her. Just you, so don't tell.
Yes, thats bags of manure behind me. I didn't plan the shot very well. |
LOL! Great post. You must own the bike and not let the bike own you :)
haha awesome! here (in Canada that is...) you get the NERD look if you're on a scooter but bikes are super IN... i love your bike. it's cute and has this girly/preppy/country feeling to it, i find. enjoy the ride!
Mutantsupermodel - you are so right! I feel a bit out of my element here in this new world, otherwise I would be rocking it.
Ok - time for a new frame of mind. I don't care what you think of my nerd bike - I love it.
Jello - I took it out for a ride today and it was great. I was all over the base in record time.
Lesson learned though - biking and lip gloss doesn't mix. Lip gloss = gross bug magnet
Love the bike! It so makes me want to get mine out of the garage and get it ready to ride. Course I don't have a fancy basket (totally jealous) but I'll definitely be leaving the lip gloss at home. - Good tip!
HI- I read about your blog on Andi's blog. I love it. Great story about the bicycle. Looking forward to reading more. Best of Luck
Well you are definitely going to be in shape!
Oooh Fifi is so cute I want a pink one just like yours. I know what you mean riding a bike when younger was so easy and you could ride for ever with out getting tired and sore but now is another story.
Hi Fashionalbe Traveler - thanks for visiting my blog and the sweet comment.
Ms. Andi - I know, right?! Is it possible to see results in one day? I went for a ride yesterday ad am def feeling it today.
Ms. Lisa - so glad to see you stopping by :)
Ms. Green T and C - that's funny, I looked for a pink bike! No luck and I was almost stuck with boring beige.
Update on accessories: The basket is a nice feature but makes the bike really wobbly. Kind of like riding one big exercise ball.
Love the bike! I just bought one the other day as well. Biking is hard. Try pulling a 40 lb girl and a 30 lb boy in a trailer connected to the back!
Are you going to be taking any weekend trips?
Hi Ms. Lacey!
Omg - I couldn't even imagine pulling a couple of kids behind me. I'm having a hard time with the dumb basket :)
Trips....I am DYING to get out of here but I'm on a dumb 2 week travel restriction. I have Memorial Day Weekend off, so I will def go somewhere then.
Today I'm taking FiFi offbase with a co-worker to ride the trails offbase and learn how to bike into town. 80 degrees here today!!! I'll be melting for sure. Happy belated mothers day to you!
i love your bike! fifi looks awesome ;-) i am bringing my bike to norway...hoping it does not cause a problem on the plane :-)
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