Tranny Manny's -a blogger first.

Truly, I can't make this stuff up - this theme seems to be following me this week. Here's the story:

Since I have a mannequinn at home (faux friend Priscilla), I'm prone to notice the different styles of mannequins during my shopping excursions. In Germany, I can't help but notice how 'made-up' they are.  In the states I'm used to seeing neutral looking displays, where the focus is intended to be on the clothes and not the mannequin itself.'s a completely different story.

Check out these odd TRANNY inspired photos (aka Tranny Manny's):

Wow, no one wears that much make up AND poofy hair
with a wife beater tank.


What is going on here? Is that a tiara with a giant tag?

Ms. Queen Tranny Manny.

Yes, there are normal mannequins too and I have great shots of which I will highlight later. Considering the crazy week, I thought these deserved thier own individual posting. Isn't this funny? Such bizarre advertising!

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